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What is Reiki? And what can you use it for?

What is Reiki? And what can you use it for?

Hi, my name is Carrie Briggs, and I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher with 5 Element Dragon Fire Reiki. Here's what you need to know about Reiki...
people wellbeing

What is Reiki? Is it like a shared meditation? 

In brief, Reiki is a Japanese healing technique designed to alleviate stress and promote healing within the body.

In more detail, as energetic beings, everything around us is composed of energy, including ourselves. Emotions also carry energy, and when we struggle to process and navigate these emotions, they become trapped in the body, manifesting as "dis-ease." Reiki plays a crucial role in releasing this trapped energy from the body, fostering a sense of relaxation and aiding in the processing of trauma, physical pain, energetic blocks, and more.

In a sense, Reiki resembles meditation, allowing the client to enter a meditative state during sessions and emerge feeling much "lighter." It provides a secure space to experience and navigate emotions, enabling individuals to move through significant moments and live a happier life in the present.


What are the benefits of Reiki? Does it help a physical injury or more mental health? Are there a list of things you think it could help with?

This question is challenging to answer because, truthfully, Reiki has a positive impact on a wide range of issues. It addresses physical ailments like a sprained ankle, joint pain, headaches, and nausea, as well as emotional pain such as heartache, anxiety, anger, and sadness. Moreover, Reiki serves to eliminate mental and emotional blocks, aiding in the release of emotions, separating one's emotions from others, manifesting desires, inviting abundance, and freeing trapped childhood emotions. It plays a role in healing and connecting with the highest self or inner child, fostering self-love.

On a personal note, I incorporate Reiki into my daily life in various ways — from infusing my water and food to regulating my nervous system during challenging moments with my kids. I use it to find lost items, send Reiki to myself at future events, and even send healing energy to friends or family worldwide. The beauty of Reiki lies in its energy nature; you can share or receive energy from anywhere in the world. I've had clients on the other side of the globe who could feel the positive shifts during a session, highlighting the remarkable, boundary-defying aspect of this practice.


How do you qualify to do Reiki? Is it something someone can learn at home or do they need specialists?

I absolutely love this question! As a certified master teacher in 5 Element Dragon Fire Reiki, Holy Fire III Reiki, and Traditional Usui Reiki, I can share that practicing Reiki on oneself and others requires attunement by a Reiki master teacher. These attunements can be conducted either in person or remotely. Personally, I've been teaching Reiki classes online twice a month for the past four years, and the results have been truly amazing. I have students from Italy, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, Scotland, England, Spain, and more, all benefiting from remote teachings.

When it comes to choosing a teacher or practitioner, my biggest advice is to ensure that you resonate with their energy. Drawing from my own experiences with various teachers, I've found that success in learning Reiki is closely tied to the energetic connection with the teacher. Whether you opt for in-person or online learning, find someone with whom you connect energetically. A good teacher should be able to hold space for you and support you every step of the way, not just during class but also afterward. While Reiki may involve energy work, the healing potential unlocked through learning Reiki is powerful, and having ongoing support during and after the learning process is crucial.


How did you get started?

This journey is quite fascinating. I never originally intended to learn or teach Reiki. Growing up in a narcissistic and abusive household, I always felt a sense of being off or not belonging. My spiritual inclinations were dismissed, labeled as crazy, with claims that concepts like Reiki, spirituality, and meditation were only for the eccentric. Initially resistant to the world of spirituality and energy work, I turned away from it.

However, a turning point came when a friend suggested I try Reiki. During a session, something profound unlocked within me. Despite having no initial intention of practicing on others, I felt compelled to become certified, driven by the powerful healing it offered for oneself. The first class drew me in, but a negative experience with a coach led me to temporarily abandon energy work. It later found its way back to me, and I embraced it wholeheartedly, becoming a dedicated learner. In short, I began this journey for personal healing, and now, I teach others to love all aspects of themselves and others through the transformative practice of Reiki.


You've been on a 'sober curious' journey lately. What triggered that?

Oh, I just recorded a podcast episode about my journey with cutting back on drinking. Seven months ago, my guides suggested I stop drinking. I'm all about mind, body, and spirit alignment, being a spiritual person and all. I wanted to keep it real in my community and be my best self as a mom, teacher, wife, and business owner. When I quit, things started getting better.

Being sober-ish for me doesn't mean quitting entirely, but I've gone months without a drink. It's given me space to handle tough emotions, calm my nerves, and figure out why I drank. I'm really thankful for my guides and finding this path because it brought the "fun" back into my life without feeling guilty or ashamed.


And finally, do you have a favorite Three Spirit drink?

Absolutely!! Right now, I'm really into Livener, and my go-to drink is Livener in a tasty flavored seltzer water, over ice with a lime. It totally satisfies my cravings, and it's absolutely delicious. The best part is I get all those warm fuzzies without any guilt! Another favorite of mine is a Nightcap in ginger ale with lime!!

I'm super pumped to experiment with spirits and see what else comes through. 


About Carrie

Specializing in this transformative practice, I also serve as a High-Level Spiritual Mentor for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. My mission is to empower others to awaken and reclaim their innate power by guiding them in managing their energy, trusting their intuition, and connecting with their bodies. As a devoted channel for dragon medicine, I am here to facilitate the healing journey for fellow healers and create a nurturing space.





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